Home / Terms and Conditions


I. Subject

Article 1. These terms and conditions, hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”, are meant to regulate the relationship between RAMARIS EOOD, hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”, owner of the following website: www.ludogorie.bg, hereinafter referred to as the “Website”, and each of the users of the Website, hereinafter referred to as the “User(s)”, in connection with the use of the Website by the User.

II. Details of the Provider

Article 2. Information about the Provider:

  1. Name: RAMARIS EOOD, UIC: 116589042
  2. Head office and registered address: Sofia, 1407, Lozenets District, 33 James Bourchier Blvd., Section A
  3. Addresses of production establishments: 3.1. Dyankovo Village, Razgrad Municipality, Razgrad Province, 4 Shipka Street, and 3.2. Vladimirovtsi Village, Samuil Municipality, Razgrad Province, 1 Ivan Vazov Street
  4. Correspondence details: Dyankovo Village, Razgrad Municipality, Razgrad Province, 4 Shipka Street, tel.: +359 700 32 007, email: office@ludogorie.bg.
  5. Public register entries: Commercial Register at the Registry Agency of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria
  6. Supervisory authorities:

(a) Commission for the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Bulgaria, address: Sofia, 1592, 2 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., tel.: 02/915 35 18, fax: 02/915 35 25, email: kzld@cpdp.bg, website: www.cpdp.bg (b) Commission for Consumer Protection, address: Sofia, 1000, 4A Slaveykov Square, fl. 3, 4, and 6, tel.: 02/980 25 24, fax: 02/988 42 18, hotline: 0700 111 22, website: www.kzp.bg (c) Commission for Protection of Competition, address: Sofia, 1000, 18 Vitosha Blvd., tel.: 02/935 62 22, fax: 02/980 73 15, email: cpcadmin@cpc.bg, website: www.cpdp.bg 7. Registration under the Bulgarian Value Added Tax Act: No. BG116589042

III. General provisions

Article 3. The Website and the services offered through it operate under the rules described in the Terms and Conditions.

Article 4. The Provider shall not guarantee the permanent functioning of the Website, nor that it is free of errors.

Article 5. The Provider reserves the right to suspend the access to certain materials published on the Website (including but not limited to: images, texts, etc.) or to the entire Website without the User’s consent for an unlimited period of time, whether planned or random, without being held liable for any damages to the User that may occur as a result from the suspension.

Article 6. The Provider reserves the right to change the layout or content of the Website without prior notice. The changes shall come into effect immediately after their publication on the Website.

IV. Features of the Service

Article 7. The main features of the services provided to the Users by the Provider through the Website, hereinafter referred to as “Services”, are the following: (1) The Provider shall give an opportunity to view and share the content published on the Website. The Provider shall present information about themselves, their team, their products and services, current offers, informative articles, and contact information.

(2) The Provider shall give the opportunity to generate a telephone call through functional buttons on the Website.

(3) The Provider shall give the opportunity to generate electronic enquiries through functional enquiry forms within the Website. The User shall fill in the fields specified by the Provider and shall select the Submit button. When using this service, Users should bear in mind, and by accepting these Terms and Conditions they shall be deemed informed, that the use of this service does not automatically result in the conclusion of a contract between the respective User and the Provider, i.e. sending an email enquiry does not create an obligation for the Provider to provide particular goods or services and does not bind the Provider and the User contractually. The respective User who has sent an email enquiry to the Provider shall be deemed to have entered into a contract with the Provider for the sale of a given product or for the performance of a given service only upon receipt of confirmation from the Provider in this regard. The Provider shall not guarantee their ability to respond or the period in which a response will be provided.

(4) The Provider shall provide the User with the possibility of forwarding (linking) to the Provider ’s business profiles in social networks, profiles, and websites of their partners, customers, etc. The Provider shall give this opportunity for the Users’ convenience and shall not be held liable for the content of the profiles and websites to which the link is directed and which are not owned and/or operated by the Provider. These Terms and Conditions shall not apply to profiles and websites to which a link is provided.

(5) The Provider shall provide the possibility to use a dynamic Google map integrated on the Website. The use of this service shall be subject to the applicable terms of use of Google Maps and Google Earth, available at https://www.google.com/intl/bgbg/help/termsmaps.html.

(6) The Provider shall provide the possibility to change the language of the content on the Website by selecting the functional buttons/icons at the top of the page indicating the respective languages.

The Provider shall not guarantee the translatability of the entire content of the Website. If the page that is currently being viewed by the User is not available in the selected language, the User will be redirected to the home page of the Website for that same language.

V. Intellectual property rights

Article 8. (1) All information published on the Website, including but not limited to: texts, images, audio and video materials, is the intellectual property of the Provider or is used by the Provider on a legal basis and as such is protected by the applicable legislation on the protection of intellectual property, including but not limited to the protection of copyright and its related rights.

(2) The Provider reserves all rights referred to in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The use of the information referred to in para. (1) of this article, including but not limited to: copying, alteration, or reproduction without the consent of the Provider or of the respective holder of the intellectual property rights, except in cases expressly provided for by law, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement of the Provider's intellectual property rights or those of their respective holder if the latter is different from the Provider.

Article 9. The Website may contain names and product brands, services, or individuals, which constitute or might constitute trademarks owned by the Provider or by third parties. The access to the Website, and nothing in these Terms and Conditions or the other content of the Website, shall be construed and/or interpreted as, or constitute the granting of a license or right to use any such trademark without the prior written consent of the Provider or of the relevant third-party owner of the intellectual property in question.

VI. Other terms

Article 10. (1) The information and materials available on the Website (including but not limited to: articles, images, announcements, etc.) are of an informative, general, and abstract nature and do not constitute or should not be taken or construed as advice, guidance and/or consultation provided by the Provider to any User of the Website.

(2) On no occasion shall the Provider be held liable for the correctness, reliability, accuracy and/or relevance of the information and materials available on and/or through the Website, or for their applicability to a particular factual situation.

(3) The Provider shall not be held liable for the content of the Website, nor shall they be held liable for any damages suffered by any User and/or third party in connection with the use of the Website and/or the information and materials available on the Website, including their application to a specific situation (for example: a User taking specific actions based on information posted on the Website).

Article 11. The invalidity of any provision of the Terms and Conditions shall not invalidate the entire contract.

Article 12. These Terms and Conditions shall come into force for all Users as of March 2024. Article 13. The Terms and Conditions may be amended by the Provider at any given moment, and any amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall take effect with respect to the Users without the need to expressly notify them.

Article 14. By using (including but not limited to: browsing, clicking on links, entering information, etc.) the Website and the information therein, the User expresses their unconditional agreement to the Terms and Conditions and any subsequent changes thereto, and that they are bound by and will comply with them.